upcoming UNGA 78
contact to RSVP

You are invited to refer youth to register for the summer program. 4 weeks working on different projects including immigration, global project, communication and social media, entrepreneurship and community health/outreach and to be exposed at high level forum at the United Nations.
Visit www.afriquehope.org
Thank you
Visit www.afriquehope.org
Thank you
About Our Charity Organization
Meet African Hope Committee!
Since its founding, AHC staff have disseminated 60,000 pieces of
informational material on health and wellness topics from HIV/AIDS to
maternal care.
The 15,000 recepients were mostly our target audience of women, young
girls of the African immigrant community. As we have grown, in numbers
and visiblity, our reach has extended into other as well immigrant
minority groups.
Global Project
Our Award
Through our hard work in community organizing, advocacy efforts and
AHC’s Annual Health Summit, we have been able to serve more men, women
and young girls in the community then we have anticipated in less than 5

latest blog

Happy Holidays from one of the most powerful networks in the world 🌎 please meet few of the very active members. We have hundreds around the world 🌎 we appreciate you and invite you to join forces to continue to address and resolve the many issues affecting poor, black, immigrants, underserved communities around the world 🌎 I humble and thankful.
Joyeuses fêtes de la part de l'un des réseaux les plus puissants au monde 🌎 veuillez rencontrer quelques-uns des membres très actifs. Nous en avons des centaines dans le monde 🌎 nous vous apprécions et vous invitons à unir vos forces a nous pour continuer à aborder et à résoudre les nombreux problèmes qui affectent les pauvres, les Noirs, les immigrants et les communautés mal desservies à travers le monde 🌎 Je reste humble et tres reconnaissante.
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